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COVID upset and reset

COVID really threw a wrench in my plans. I decided to start my shop in September and was off to a fabulous start! I was feeling good about the upcoming fall shopping season and excited to expand my items.

When my household was struck with COVID, everything stopped. Of the 5 in our house, three tested positive, two tested negative — one was asymptomatic; one barely had symptoms. I was mildly affected; and the other two ended up with pneumonia and the covid illness (one was hospitalized, the other on the brink of hospitalization). I should add that the two "negative" family members retested after two weeks (one came back positive, the other negative for their 2nd test). Eventually, my daughter who got a negative result twice, decided to take an antibody test. Turns out, she had immunities--and she was the asymptomatic one!

It was an awful experience. It humbled me, frightened me, and tested me. Family and friends left care packages and love at our doorstep. Strangers, family, and friends prayed with us and for us. In the end, it was faith, hope, and love that got us through it.

So my plans got derailed. Who cares? I have my life and my loves — and that’s all that matters. Now that calm has been restored, I am back at it. It's great to be back to doing what I love to do. I'm ok with scaling back, and looking forward to a stronger season next year.

If you know anyone who is sick, not feeling good, dealing with loss, or going through a rough patch--be a friend and good neighbor. You don't need words and solutions. Porch packages, texts, uplifing or funny messages, letters, flowers, phone calls, homemade or store bought meals, prayers, and good vibes can make all the difference. Here is our opportunity to use a dark time to care for one another.

Stay safe friends.


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